Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Find: Jackson Wright Photography

A few months ago, I finally had professional pictures taken of Grafton.  I say finally, like it's a requirement of parenthood, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it before.  However, it seems like it's a nonwritten rule in the Parenting Handbook of the South, so I figured I needed to jump on the bandwagon.

A friend of mine from work is also a photographer, and has his own company, Jackson Wright Photography.  We were chatting at the office one day, and something came over me and I booked an appointment.  This was big for me people.  I had committed to pay money for cheesey photos!

Cory (his name isn't Jackson Wright) came up to Georgetown in November and met us on the square to take pictures.  It was early and cold and I was nervous that my kid was going to have a complete meltdown or tantrum or whatever 2 year olds do when they don't want to be somewhere.  But, Cory was great with Grafton and I think the photos turned out fabulous!  The session was primarily for the kid, but he ended up taking a few of the three of us.  (Note to self for next time:  get a haircut and wear lipstick.)

They were so great that we had him come back during the holidays to take pics of the entire Burleson clan. 

Cory has VERY reasonable prices and is located in the Austin area.  Definitely look him up the next time you need a family photo shoot....or wedding pics...or senior pictures....or whatever you want to take pictures of.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PS. I meant to comment on these a while ago, but they really turned out great, and it's so special to have some really great pics of your family!!