There are duties that come along with being a friend. I'm there to listen to you, support you in your life, and be there when you need a shoulder to cry on. If you are wearing something terrible, I’m going to tell you. If you ask my opinion about your hair, you are going to hear the truth. And if you need help keeping up with the latest hip-hop music, it’s my job to keep you informed.
I don’t see Kate as often as I’d like (please don’t pay any attention to the political crap on her page), but I still feel that I need to be responsible for keeping her hip. For keeping her up to date and down with the latest on the streets. That’s how I roll. So, I was quite disappointed when I saw that she was still listening to 'Flo-Rida' and referred to it as her “current favorite catchy song.” I mean, that song is so 5 minutes ago. It’s out…gone…in the vault with J Lo’s velour jumpsuits.
So Kate, here's your NEW "favorite catchy song." It's actually current...popular RIGHT NOW...on the Top 8 at 8. Enjoy!
Video response:
i hate being on the outside of an inside
I didn't realize Disney movies weren't the only thing that went in those vaults! :)
I'm digging on this one:
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