Monday, October 1, 2007

Legal Disclaimer*

*Will Burleson has in no way contributed to the postings on Pimp My Bungalow. He is not responsible for any of the entertainment that Pimp My Bungalow has provided. If you have laughed at any of the postings, please do not think that Will is funny. Will Burleson feels that he is being falsely represented and would like his name removed. I told him that it was physically impossible. I could remove his name but I’m not going to. If you receive an email from him with his own blog which counteracts Pimp My Bungalow, please delete at once.


Anonymous said...

I know Will is looking over your shoulder telling you exactly what to type.

Helen said...

James unleashed the beast and demanded his name be removed from our blog--oh, I mean, MY blog. Men *tsk tsk tsk* ... no sense of humor...